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Support the James Beard Foundation with a Patron Program Membership
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Gift Recipient Information
Please note that the confirmation email you receive upon purchase will reflect the purchaser information only. Gift membership welcome packets will be shipped to the recipient 14 business days after initial enrollment. 

* The Industry Friends level is reserved exclusively for members of the Food and Beverage, and Culinary Industries.

**The Young Patrons level is reserved exclusively for foodies between the ages of 21 and 39.

Questions? Please contact Aaron Hock, Development Manager, at 212.675.4984 x221 or patronprogram@jamesbeard.org

The James Beard Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Patron Program contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Donations to the James Beard Foundation qualify for most corporate matching grant programs.
Payment Information


Please review details before proceeding with your transaction and please click Submit button once to avoid duplicate charges.
 By making this donation, you will receive emails from the James Beard Foundation about events and updates about the programs you help make possible. You can unsubscribe at any time.